Aurora’s first business was medical device manufacturing. Advanced manufacturing is the core of Aurora global technology research and development. Aurora research and development now involves manufacturing technology, AI and Internet healthcare, and cutting-edge medical treatment .

Aurora Mobile

Aurora Mobile Breast MRI unlocks new clinical possibilities and a new business model. Now breast MRI can be performed anywhere. Aurora’s mobiel MRI trailers are “satellite clinics”that provide the high-quality MRI imaging in almost any location.  In the past, breast MRI was available only at specialized centers in any region. The mobile MRI incorportates 5G communications technology so that Aurora can provide patient-centric, convenient care.  Aurora’s mobile MRI trailer resists motion that could affect image quality, and meets standards for resisting any electromagnetic interference in the MRI room.  The service can also share the advanced medical resources, provides the new service of “Medical Internet”, and provide precise services for graded diagnosis and treatment. The Aurora mobile MRI will be augmented with proprietary AI technology that will make the unit more efficient and less expensive to staff.