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Building Comprehensive Breast Cancer Care Eco-System for the Wellness of Cancer Patients and Their Families by Joint Efforts of Beijing Love Book Cancer Foundation (LBCF) and Aurora Healthcare US Corp (Aurora)

Beijing Love Book Cancer Foundation and Aurora Healthcare US Corp are pleased to an-nounce their partnership to build a comprehensive breast cancer care eco-system for the well-ness of women, breast cancer patients and their families.  

High morbidity and mortality of breast cancer in China have become one of the major healthcare and social problems, with more than 360,000 newly diagnosed cases and 100,000 deaths in 2020, similar to the global trend. Breast cancer is now the most frequently diagnosed cancer in the world with 2.3 million newly diagnosed cases and more than 650,000 deaths an-nually. 

LBCF and AURORA shared the united goal to support branches of China Rehabilitation Socie-ty (CRS) under China Anti-Cancer Association (CACA). Among more than 120 patients’ or-ganizations (branches), a comprehensive breast cancer healthcare eco-system will be set up to care for breast cancer patients, breast cancer survivors and help their families to hopefully elim-inate the fear of succumbing to the disease or possible recurrences and minimize associated so-cial and financial challenges to their families.  

LBCF was formed in 2015 led by Professor Anli Shi. The mission is to bring help for the ben-efits of patients’ rights, treatment efficacy and welfare.  CRS was formed in 1990, and over the 30 years, developed more than 120 branches throughout China as members of the CRS. Through its branches, CRS aids and services to millions of cancer survivors. CRS is the most recognized national organization representing cancer patients and survivors in China and a member of UICC (the Union of International Cancer Control) under United Nations (UN). Professor Shi was trained as a surgeon and engaged in leadership of research and education in China Ministry of Health before encountering multiple cancer fights and survived, as a role model for millions of patients.  She has served as the Chairwoman of CRS for 10 years and an icon inspired by patients and caregivers alike. 

“I have witnessed the advances of medicine in the past decades beneficial to mankind through my career in medicine and national health department. I remain hopeful that the continuous in-novations would further contribute to human wellness. On the other hand, I also evidenced per-sonally and as a healthcare leader in China the suffering of illness.  The battle against illness should not be a lonely one, it could be a journey with blessings beyond the suffering.  I am for-tunately enough to undergo a few of these journeys and bear the mission to ally people with collective wisdom to experience a better journey. I am blessed with knowledge and resources to help as many people as I can. I am deeply grateful to partner like Aurora to achieve the higher goal together.” Said Dr. Shi.   

“Innovations brought tremendous improvement in all aspects in human lives, it is such an hum-ble experience working alongside of Dr. Shi who has the heart, mind and capacity to turn mis-fortunes to fortunes by enabling means to help millions”, echoed Ms. Olivia Cheng, CEO of Aurora, she continues to say that “It is beyond our wildest imagination how connecting the right people, products, acts, deeds,… could unreachable great results be reached. We are hon-ored to be in something so good and great”.  

About the Organizations

Love Book Cancer Foundation for cancer patients’ care was endorsed by Beijing Department of Civil Affairs and established on January 28, 2015. It is a nonprofit charity organization with an independent social organization legal status. Her mission is to promote cancer treatment, prevention, and care, to upgrade patients’ living quality, to demonstrate social care. Her main activities are to carry out public service activities caring for patients in the field of prevention and treatment of cancers. Her main service and support targets are charity and public welfare for patient care projects and activities for millions of cancer patients in more than 120 cancer branches under CRS. The mission of the foundation is to integrate resources in a positive way based on rich experience, to provide timely help for patients, to speak out for the silent with col-lective knowledge and expertise, to provide support for the disadvantaged, and to bring hope and resources to millions of cancer patients and their families in China.

Aurora - Aurora Healthcare US Corp. is a privately held company based in Massachusetts, USA. It manufactures an unique MRI system dedicated to breast imaging for screening and diagnosis. The integration of Aurora’s multiple innovations in hardware and software result in higher resolution and fewer artifacts and anatomic distortions which typically produced by gen-eral MRI.   Due to the core value of advanced comprehensive diagnostic technology and caring for survival and building on its US foundation, China FDA has endorsed the project. Aurora has set up its first center in Chengdu, Sichuan and introduced the first mobile breast MRI screening clinic in China and will expand to 

Greater China in the future.

The Aurora Breast Clinic (ABC) embeds Aurora’s technological leadership at the core of a comprehensive diagnostic and survivorship care system. Building on its experience on US foundation and long experience with international collaborators to benefit more patients and women worldwide.


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Beijing, China